- Digital thematic maps
- Digital processing of satellite images and aerial photographs
- Planning and implementation of Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Development of rural and forest administrative records
- Conversion of spatial data platform CAD to GIS
Aerial Photographs
- Environmental characterization for conservation projects
- Assessment of areas for industrial projects
- Evaluation of forest assets and equity
- Update Registration Administrative rural and forestry
- Measurement of environmental damage caused by disasters
- Detection and monitoring of agricultural and forest pests
- Overview of works on highways, pipelines and transmission lines
- Planning of land use
Nutrition Forest
- Forest nutrition program
- Sampling and analysis of soil and foliar
- Analysis via Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System – DRIS
- Fertilizer recommendation to implanting and corrective
- Monitoring nutritional
Forest Management
- Qualitative inventory in young stands
- Quantitative inventory of the timber volume by assortment of logs
- Classification of forest sites
- Modelling of growth and yield forest
- Forest planning strategic, tactical and operational
Environmental Regularisation
- Registration of Legal Reserve
- Environmental Licensing
- Forest Authorization
- Environmental Impact Studies
Urban Forestry
- Preparation of Plan Director Municipal Urban Forestry
- Technical Project Tree Planting and Landscape for Allotments
- Harmony with major infrastructure works project civil
- Selection of appropriate species with potential for ornamental landscaping
- Compliance with legislation and the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT
- Break the monotony of urban landscape
- Pleasure aesthetic and psychological well-being
- Action purifying air
- Permeability of soil
- City beautification
- Characterization and signaling of spaces
- Reduction of temperature extremes
- Shelter the existing fauna
- Smoothing of noise
- Reduction in wind speed
- Appreciation visual and ornamental
Environmental Education
- Lectures on sustainability of natural resources
- Workshops on environmental pollution, recycling, water conservation and soil
- Environmental awareness activities
- Technical training for teachers in Environmental Education
Judicial advisory
- Judicial experts
- Technical assistance in legal proceedings
- Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration
- Evaluation of rural properties
- Advising on tax notices and administrative defenses